The port of Geelong is the second largest port in Victoria. It is located in Corio Bay in the south-west of Port Phillip.
It handles a variety of cargoes including break bulk, dry bulk, liquid bulk and grains and the Spirit of Tasmania Bass Strait ferries base their Victorian operations within the port.
Geelong has 16 commercial berths, located around Corio Bay from Point Wilson in the north to Point Henry in the south. The Viva refinery and tanker berths are on the northern side of the port. The remaining general-purpose berths and wharves, and associated storage and processing facilities, are located between the refinery and Point Henry Pier.
Maritime navigation and operational safety
Ports Victoria manages the maritime navigation and operational safety in the port’s waters.
Four key shipping channels give access to the port. Each channel is 120 m wide with a depth of 12.3 metres. These are managed by Ports Victoria.
- Point Richards Channel
- Wilson Spit Channel
- Hopetoun Channel
- Corio Channel
Wharf facilities access is from the Hopetoun Channel.
Navigation aids
Ports Victoria manages and maintains the navigation aids, beacons and buoys marking the commercial shipping channels and approaches to the port of Geelong.
This work includes maintaining and upgrading existing structures and planning and building new structures when required.
Channel management and maintenance
Ports Victoria manages the maintenance of shipping channels and approaches to the port of Geelong.
Dredging to maintain declared depths is an important aspect of channel management to improve access, safety and efficiency for ships using.
All works are undertaken under the Coastal Management Act 1995 (Vic). The works must meet all requirements for the protection of the marine environment, ensuring that nature and commerce coexist. All activities are managed under the strict controls of an Environmental Management Plan approved by the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.
Port waters
Charts AUS157 and AUS153 cover the port waters of the port of Geelong, available from the Australian Hydrographic Office.
Port manager
The port’s facilities are managed by the private company GeelongPort. It is responsible for planning, operating the port and maintaining the wharves and landside infrastructure.
Security is managed by the port manager, GeelongPort.
Also see the Security section of this website.