The port of Melbourne is Australia’s largest container and general cargo port.
Located at the north of Port Phillip, it has more than 30 commercial bay and river berths, including 3 international container terminals.
It handles more than 3 million TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) annually – more than one-third of the nation’s container trade.
Maritime navigation and operational safety
Ports Victoria manages the maritime navigation and operational safety in the port’s waters. Melbourne has more than 3000 ship visits annually.
Navigation aids
The port manager, Port of Melbourne, manages and maintains the navigation aids, beacons and buoys marking the commercial shipping channels and approaches to the port of Melbourne.
Channel management and maintenance
The port manager, Port of Melbourne, manages and maintains the shipping channels and approaches to the port of Melbourne.
Port waters
As per The Order in Council made under section 5(2) of the Port Management Act 1995 (Vic) on 18 October 2012 (Victoria Government Gazette G 42 18 October 2012, page 2359) the declared port waters of the port of Melbourne are defined in the following Legislative Charts:
- LEGL./12-105 – Port waters of the port of Melbourne (PDF 2.8 MB)
- LEGL./12-106 – Port waters of the port of Melbourne (Port Melbourne) (PDF 3.5 MB)
- LEGL./12-107 – Port waters of the port of Melbourne (Port Phillip – South) (PDF 2.6 MB)
Port manager
The port’s facilities are managed by the private organisation Port of Melbourne. It is responsible for planning, operating and maintaining the port land and shipping channels including navigation aids.
See the Security section of this website.
Cargo shipping lines calling at Melbourne
For information about the cargo shipping lines (and their agents) calling at the port of Mebourne, please visit the port manager’s website, Port of Melbourne.