
Increasing global and local challenges for shipping and coastal environments makes it more important than ever that our actions deliver positive social, environmental and economic value.

We contribute to an integrated and sustainable transport system, going beyond our legislative obligations. We participate in global and local action with a particular focus on supporting decarbonisation of the maritime sector and Victoria’s energy transition.

We report our performance through our Annual Report.

We play a critical role in keeping Victorian communities safe and protecting marine waters by managing the safe navigation of shipping with effective risk and emergency response measures in place. This means essential goods and freight reach their destination without harming people or the environment.

Priorities for 2023-24

Our environment, social and governance priorities for 2023-24 are:

  • preparing a strategic response to the Victorian Climate Change Strategy
  • providing port development and shipping navigation advice to support the development of Victoria’s offshore wind and alternative fuel mix projects
  • conducting an air monitoring program at Station Pier
  • developing a First Nations Action Plan
  • delivering industry and school education programs
  • updating our heritage management procedures
  • reviewing and updating our Safety & Environmental Management System
  • improving the collection and recording of our environmental performance data.