Craig Walker
Chief Executive Officer
Craig is the CEO of Ports Victoria. He started with the organisation on 12 February 2024.
Jacinta Mackey
Chief Financial Officer and Head of Corporate Services
Jacinta leads the team with responsibility for the organisation’s Finance and the diverse corporate services areas of Information Services, Legal Counsel, Board Secretary, People and Culture, Business Support and Information Services.
Peter Mannion
Chief Operating Officer – Marine Operations
Peter’s responsibilities include navigation services and maritime safety for Victoria’s four commercial ports i.e. Melbourne, Geelong, Hastings and Portland. His role also includes leading the teams responsible for health, safety and environment, risk management, emergency management, business continuity and Station Pier operations.
Jeff Bazelmans
Head of Business and Strategy
Jeff’s team is responsible for business strategy, corporate planning, trade and port logistics, future planning for cruise ships and Station Pier, regulatory compliance and licensing as well as providing specialist advice on environmental planning, heritage and sustainability matters.
Stuart Christie
Head of Development
Stuart leads the area responsible for stakeholder management, communications and port system planning.
David Henderson
Head of Infrastructure and Projects
David’s responsibilities cover the areas of infrastructure, assets and the Project Management Office, including maintenance programs, management of the organisation’s major projects, and property management.
Nick Ellul
General Manager Maritime / Harbour Master – Port of Geelong and Port of Hastings
Nick is responsible for ensuring Victorian port safety regulatory objectives are met and Ports Victoria’s navigational services and marine assets operate to international standards.
David Tilslsy
Acting Harbour Master – Port of Melbourne
As Acting Harbour Master for the port of Melbourne, David is responsible for safe navigation in the port waters of the port of Melbourne.